The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13827   Message #116749
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Sep-99 - 03:32 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Aunt Clara / Mary Alice Jones: Authors?
Subject: Mudcat spellchecker
Yes, Peter, this site has a spellchecker. I'm it.
I checked your spelling, and I'll grade you at a "Gentleman's C." Be glad I didn't flunk you.
Seriously, though, if it's a really horrible mistake and your children and parents and spouse will suffer horrible embarrassment for the rest of their lives, send me a personal message and I'll change it. We [the Editors Who Prefer to Remain Anonymous and I (the only person actually known to have an edit button)] prefer to be very conservative about changing things. Mostly, we fix bad HTML and delete duplicate messages. On rare occasions, we'll fix spelling. I hate misplaced apostrophes with a passion, so I give in to temptation at times and delete 'em.
-Joe Offer-