The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68907   Message #1167873
Posted By: GUEST
22-Apr-04 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to give Earthday speech
My partner and I went broke running our energy efficient design/build business in the 1980s after Reagan gutted the alternative energy funding.

Larry is absolutely right. Having Bush make an Earth Day speech is no more disingenuous than have Al Gore or Bill Clinton make an Earth Day speech.

But the vehemently partisan Republicrats who are so choked by their hatred of Bush refuse to recognize the fact that the Republicrats are every bit of guilty of wanton environmental destruction as Republicans are. Remember, the Dems ruled Congress and chaired all the committees until 1994. And it is Congress who writes the legislation and cuts the checks.