The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68856   Message #1168017
Posted By: Moses
22-Apr-04 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Dan Mackinnon in England
Subject: RE: Dan Mackinnon in England
George Seto

Dan's one of my favourite singers. I always try to get to see him when he's over here so I'm looking forward to next Tuesday evening at the Windward Folk Song Club - the Duke of Marlborough in St Albans. (Another plug for you Breezy!)

A couple of years ago at (was it?) Bridgnorth festival, Dan did an hour of Stan Rogers' songs. It was magic. I know he sings more of his own songs now (and very good they are too) but I still like to hear his interpretations of Stan's songs because he does them so well.

You are a lucky lot over in Canada.