The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69067   Message #1168828
Posted By: GUEST,eoin o'buadhaigh
23-Apr-04 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: Songs of the civil War
Subject: RE: Songs of the Napoleonic Wars?
'The Strangford Shore' is another Napoleonic love song (usual thing, about girl does the dirty on poor fella and gets married to someone else while he is off trying to make his fortune just to please her)

Strangford Shore

Being early in the morning, when the battle's din was o'er
And we sat down upon the ground amidst the bloody gore.
We'd lost the fight on that third night, our dead they numbered high
And the cries of pain drove men insane, as they rent the evening sky.

And weary then I knelt to rest, were my dead comrades lay
And I bade them all a sad farewell for brave they met the fray.
And I bade them all a last farewell as I leave this cursed shore,
For should I gain home, I'll n'er more roam, from Comber on Strangford shore.

Three days and nights the battle raged, the air did hang with death
And more than once I was forced to kneel and fight to gain my breath.
Few of my comrades from my youth did fight by my right side,
But on that second day under Marshal Neigh'e at Lign'eay they fell and died.

On July the thirteenth day we sailed, from Rockport we did embark
And three weeks later our journey o'er, I gained home as the evening grew dark.
I wish now to God that I'd been slain in some battle that I did fight;
Than to see the girl that I love dear, all on her wedding night.

When both very young we pledged a vow, no other we'd ever take.
The years flew past, we both held fast, all others we did forsake.
But I being poor, her father he frowned on me and he bid me go
And not return 'till her hand I'd earned and spangles on her bestow.

So away I went and three years I spent in France under Bonepart.
I bade farewell to all my friends and with her I charged my heart.
I worked my best for her father's request but alas I'm as poor as before,
Though a wealthier man, at last I stand, now I'm home on my Strangford shore.

So all young men here, I pray draw near and heed now to what I say.
And don't believe the female kind, or listen to what they say.
For I believed that she was true and I fought, her heart to gain.
From all the battles I'v fought, the lesson I'm taught is that 'Love holds the longest pain'

I hope you like it, it's part of my collection. I have another Bonny song, only it's pro Wellington. It's called 'Fallen Bonny'

cheers eoin.