The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69083   Message #1168864
Posted By: Mark Cohen
23-Apr-04 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Sier Lapalang (from Gordon Bok)
Subject: Lyr Add: SIER LAPALANG
From Gordon's first songbook, "Time and the Flying Snow" (Folk-Legacy, 1977):


Ko lapalang phrang sngi jong nga
Kumba tyngshain u mangkara
Khlem sngap ki 'tien sangsot i mei
Me shem lanot ha ka pyrthei
Na snieh pyrthei shaei me phet
Sa tang marwei nga sah knunswet
Haba na nga kyhnrem me khlad
Dohnud sngewsih nga im suh-sat.

Wow la shet ka 'tieh pong deng
Ia ka rynieng u kynremreng
Wow la kjit u nam sarang
Ia ka mynsiem u lapalang

Ko khun nga ong ynnai leit kiew
Sha ri Khasi ka ri ki briew
Shong khop ha la ri them ri thor
Bam la u khah bam la u nor
Ngin bam da u jangew jathang
Baroh shi lyiur baroh shi tlang
Pynban kynrem na nga me khlad
Marwei nga swai nga jaw ummat

La shat ka shanam shalyngot
Me pat hati u khadar bor
Na me ki dum ka sngi u bnai
Sha nga kumno pat men wan phai
U nam tabla u bam na krung
Pyllup me pat rangbah rangduh
Ummat aiu ngan sait khatduh

Kynshreng me phuh ha khmat i mei
Mynba me ieng ha la rympei
Na lyndet khlur mynta me sngap
Jingud ka kmie ba shem ka pap
Kynshreng me phuh ka khmat i mei
Mynba me ieng ha la rympei
Na lyndet khlur mynta me sngap
Jingud ka kmie ba shem ka pap

partial translation:

Mother deer tells fawn:
Don't go to land of Khasis
Because they'll kill you.
Fawn didn't pay attention,
Went anyway.
Shot by many arrows and died.
This is her lament.

Oh, the betrayal of the bow
Has drawn your life away,
The stature of your beauty,
Of the heart, of the deer.

Gordon's comment:

"These are the words (finally) to this song, by the kindness of the lady, Mrs. George Allen, who first played it for me and who tried to teach me how to sing it.
However the days fall, some are hard to everyone. I can't tell you the peace that this song has brought to me; even in its own sorrow there is an ancient and powerful consolation in the melody that can hold you, no matter how hard the words try to cry to your heart. Sometimes (maybe), it is better not to know a language."

