The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67470   Message #1168931
Posted By: freda underhill
23-Apr-04 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Faith
Subject: RE: BS: Faith
This thread has been sleeping a little.

But I want to talk about faith, not faith in God or a benevolent universe, but faith in the essential goodness and bravery of human nature.

I am thinking about people, who, under tremendous pressure from powers that be, choose to do the right thing and reveal government corruption, whistleblowers.

To me, these people, who give up everything, including their means of support and status, to publicly dump on a corrupt government, deserve the respect and support of ordinary people who benefit from their actions.

Here is a web address to an article on the subject (can anyone make a blue clicky of it?)While this is an academic article, it addresses a very important subject.

As well, I think of good friends and neighbours who, in the small friendships of daily interactions, by their essential ethics and decency, continually revive my faith in human nature, my faith in people.