The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69105   Message #1169177
Posted By: greg stephens
23-Apr-04 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Blues du Saoulard OR Drunkard's Blues
1:Quand le blues me prend moi je suis "gone"
moi je suis parti m'souler
Quand moi je suis soul, bebe(baybay),
Moi je suis "gone" a la maison
Pour "join" ma chere 'tite femme

2: Quand moi j'arrive a la maison
La tite femme apres m'quereller
Moi j'y ai d'mande(ay)
"pourquoi tu m'querelle"
Elle a repond "mon neg
C'est pour toi j'te querelle
J'te vois tout l'temps parti

Can't do French accents, so I've written (ay) after accented e's to indicate pronunciation.
Hope this makes sense. Fitting all these words to the tune is a bit of a tongue twister occasionally. The tune is St James Infirmary, give or take a note.
   I've put the "borrowed" English words in the lyrics in quotes.
   This is basically Louis Cormier's version.