The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68779   Message #1169406
Posted By: dianavan
23-Apr-04 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why don't Baptists honor weiner dogs?
Subject: RE: BS: Why don't Baptists honor weiner dogs?
They'll eat anything! My mother has a wiener dog that recently ate the end of a bic lighter. We wondered why he was coughing until we found the mangled lighter. He's O.K. now.

This is her 3rd wiener dog. The first one died while white water rafting. The dog was tied to the raft when the raft tipped over. All the people were saved but the little dog went down the river with the raft. His name was JoJo. Her second was Joey and this one is called J.J.

Me and my brothers (we're all in our fifties) admit to being jealous of the little creatures. We feel like we have been replaced by a wiener. I'm not a Baptist but I don't honour them either. My mother honours them but she likes sex and dancing too.