The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13908   Message #116953
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Sep-99 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Poetry Swap-meet
Subject: RE: Poetry Swap-meet
I love that, Allen! Brilliant!

I've been researching for an article about women in Afghanistan still being repressed, murdered, tortured and restricted to an existence of total inhumaneness. While looking I found an org. called RAWA, Revolutionary Assoc. of the Women of Afghanistan, which operates out of Pakistan.

One of its founders was a woman named Meena. At 20 years old, in 1977, she founded it to fight for social justice, democracy, etc. for women of Afghanistan. By the time she was 30, 1987, she had been assasinated for her efforts, by the KGB and its fundamentalist cronies in her country. Here is a partial translation of a poem by her:


I'm the woman who has awoken
I've arisen and become a tempest through the ashes of my burnt children
I've arisen form the rivulets of my brother's blood
My nation's wrath has empowered me
My ruined and burnt villages replete me with hatred against the enemy
O' compatriot, no longer regard me weak and incapable,
My voice has mingled with thousands of arisen women
My fists are clenched with fists of thousands compatriots
To break together all these sufferings all these fetters of slavery.
I'm the woman who has awoken,
I've found my path and will never return.

Meena 1957-1987 Afghanistan