The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69093   Message #1169537
Posted By: Mr Red
24-Apr-04 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Supermarkets destroying Communities
Subject: RE: BS: Supermarkets destroying Communities
If Wookies is anything like the NZ variety it is like Tesco and Sainsburys here. They are locked in a battle for market share and it is looking like Tescos has won it. 1 in 8 UK pounds are spent in Tescos and to convince us that we should shop there they now sell goods that are anything but grocery. Clothes TV's Pharmacy and they have to open 24 hours and have the cafe to drag-in the unconvinced. Creches, resident chaplains, and singles evenings are the sort of thing they are trying.

Sounds a bit like a community dunnit? Where people wander round wondering at the two rows of shelves for pet food with or without herbs (Huh?) and the diminishing array of traditional fodder like jam and buscuits.

Sadly the 24 hours thing is the one facet that I have to use when I can't walk to my Co-op shop (politcally active and socially aware). I really enjoy that walk.