The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66534   Message #1169679
Posted By: GUEST,Natasha Smasher
24-Apr-04 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vladimir the Inhaler; Vampire Villain
Subject: RE: BS: Vladimir the Inhaler; Vampire Villain
Magenta's mind was a virtual kaleidoscope of pulsating images, dreams, you could call them. She dreamt she was wandering alone through a gilded Bavarian palace, or was that a Catnipian castle. Magenta liked Cats, and as she wandered along the gilded corridor of Hopes and Dreams, past the twisted sculptures of tortured souls in various states of indigestion, she knew she would be soon be entering the Last Portal of All Earthly Desires..

She came to a large, carved black wooden door. She knelt and whispered the Song of Redemption to the Great Cat:

Cat, make me a channel of thy peas,

that where there is mash, I may bring gravy;

that where there is chopped liver, I may bring the spirit of Worstershire;

that where there are banjos, I may bring harmony;

that where there is thread creep, I may bring focus;

that where there is gout, I may bring Vitamin B6;

that where there is bad hair, I may bring mousse;

that where there are arguments, I may bring the delete button;

that where there is madness, I may bring vodka.

Cat, grant that I may seek rather to chew gum than to be tread in it;

to undermine, than to be under men;

to inspire fear, than to be afraid.

For it is in self-raising flour that the cake rises.

It is in raisins that the grape is preserved.

And it is by bleeding that one awakens to Eternal Strife.

As she uttered this incantation, the huge doors slowly opened, and Magenta prostrated herself on the purple velvet carpet, her long black hair streaming about her, as she offered herself unto …. the Cat Goddess.

Waves of Oil of Sandalwood streamed before her naked nostrils…she always wondered what was so good about the smell of old sandals, anyway, but she would undergo any ritual in order to encounter – the Risen Cat Goddess.

Her heart throbbing and chest heaving, Magenta looked up, her eyes drunken with delight, her mind swimming in ecstasy as she offered herself to.............