The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12430   Message #116973
Posted By: Tom B.
23-Sep-99 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: The Best Teacher I Ever Had (BS!!!)
Subject: RE: The Best Teacher I Ever Had (BS!!!)
Mr. Muir taught us about propaganda and persuasion in the ninth grade, how there were 7 types, in advertising but also in politics; it was all new to me and I've been using it ever Mr.Hughes taught about the higher truths in literature and philosophy, Mrs. Cornelius about being yourself, and Mr. Abbott about the 5 W's and the H in journalism, and reporting only facts.

Mr. Muir was so unconventional in his teaching method, and in our honors English class in 9th grade I remember actually disliking him; it was only the next year that I appreciated it, because I had a lot of maturing to do, it was ahead of my time.