The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63517   Message #1169828
Posted By: Gareth
24-Apr-04 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: donating organs after death
Subject: RE: BS: donating organs after death
Contribution Card in my pocket.

Used to be blood doner untill I came into contact with Wiels disease, then "Not unless your group is really needed, and we will tell yer when" - It appears I is rather 'Common'.

Familly have no doubt as to my instructions,

But - in view of my medical problems - Including Diabetes and Angina, wot can be recycled ??

I can see it now.

Doctor - "Mr X - you have a new heart. unfortunatley the donor suffered fron Angina. You have a new pancrease, unfortunately the donor suffers fron Diabetes 2, We've also given you a new set of lungs, unfortunately the donor smokes 40 a day."

Patient - "Pardon ???"

Doctor - " Ah Yes - The donor of your new inner ear suffered from Tintinus"

Joshing aside - Pledge to donate - after all when youve gorn yer wont need the spare parts !
