The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69112   Message #1170065
Posted By: Hrothgar
24-Apr-04 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
"marriage laws are very recent in historical terms. Barely a couple hundred years old in Europe and British North America."

They might be new in secular terms. In religious or canon law they go back a long way. Henry VIII had his problems nearly five centuries ago. Don't even think about Ruth and Boaz.

Kerry's problem appears to be that facing most Catholics - those in Rome want power over the individual conscience. If I understand my history fully, this was one of Luther's complaints. I would have to say that the current church hierarchy have more justfication for their actions than those of the 15th and 16th centuries.