The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69113   Message #1170154
Posted By: Art Thieme
24-Apr-04 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: A Quote From Roscoe Holcomb
Subject: RE: A Quote From Roscoe Holcomb
Smokin' Bill----

What a nice site. I'll be sure to look into it seriously soon. I think you and I must have many similar views on this music. Lately, I don't get out much and Mudcat has been the source of some grand friendships for me. I've reconnected with old frinds from 40 years back and enhanced my musical awareness at least a thousand fold for having found this place. I'll take note of your e-address and be in touch.


That's a fine view of Holcomb and his music. Thanks so much for posting it here. I think it was the second University Of Chicago Folk Festival in 62---no later than '63 certainly--that the Ramblers brought him to our attention. As soon as he began to sing at the Friday night concert, I knew that this was like nothing I'd ever heard before. As it turns out, he was a singular presence and I've never heard anything like that ever again. Wouldn't it have been amazing if he was only the tip of an iceberg and EVERYONE around Daisy, Kentucky sang that way too??

After a workshop at that festival, Roscoe borrowed my guitar, tuned it to an open chord, took out his pocket knife and made some music that just had me speechless. (I was in my early 20s and easily impressed I guess. ;-) We were in an alcove on an upper floor, but by the time he was on his second song, the other floors had migrated to our location. His was a style that could never develop in a city with close neighbors. (I took those shots of Mr. Holcomb at a workshop he did with the NLCR in that same building.)

Art Thieme