The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69095   Message #1170513
Posted By: GUEST
25-Apr-04 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Hide The Dead Soldiers!
Subject: RE: Hide The Dead Soldiers!
"The interpretation is up to the viewer."

If we are allowed to view the photographs.

There are actually two instances of photographs being published last week that showed the coffins. The first was a photograph taken by a photographer who is working with a private contractor in Kuwait, I think. The photograph you are probably refering to ranger1, is that one, which was published for the first time on the front page of last Sunday's Seattle Times. The employee who took the photograph was fired for violating the Pentagon rule of not allowing the coffins to be photographed and published.

The other instance was the Pentagon itself released 350 photographs due to a Freedom of Information Act request they couldn't legally deny. Those photographs were released by the Pentagon last week, and were first published on the internet.

The Seattle Times made the editorial decision to publish the photograph because they felt an important story could be told by doing so. It just so happens the message of that story is also what most would consider a story with a patriotic angle to it. They felt that most people, including the families and loved ones of fallen soldiers, would be deeply moved by the reverence with which the bodies were cared for on their journey home.

Only a sick, right wing political opportunist could twist that into "the leftie liberals are using these photos as anti-war propaganda" sort of thing.