The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69175   Message #1170796
Posted By: Amos
25-Apr-04 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad poetry about London...
Subject: RE: BS: Bad poetry about London...
And now we've heard from Little Hawk,
And old McGonagall too;
It's plain that neither one of them
Has quite enough to do!
Mc Gonagall foisted awful verse
On his mahter and his payter,
And Little Hawk foists it on us all,
A good century later!!

Fie on them both, and send them hence!
Why should we silent suffer?
For Little Hawk is a wicked sort
And Mc Gonagall's a duffer!
Our minds are burdened quite enough
Without such persecution
As these two blaggards offer up
As Poetry Pollution.

Why Little Hawk, pray tell us why?
What festers in your head?
To track down awful English poems
And put them in a thread?
Such cruelty to all your friends
Should not soon be forgiven;
And you should banned be from here,
Until you are quite shriven!