The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69095   Message #1170852
Posted By: GUEST
25-Apr-04 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: Hide The Dead Soldiers!
Subject: RE: Hide The Dead Soldiers!
Thanks Guest pdc and pdq for pointing out my mistake. Guest pdc is correct in pointing out my remarks about no longer responding, were directed towards Strick.

Guest 7:29, I do share your outrage. I also just started this thread:

US poised to attack Najaf & Falluja

The US and Britain have long since lost the battle for hearts and minds in Iraq, and honestly, I don't think they ever intended to win them. After all, it was Clinton's secretary of state, Madeline Albright, who when confronted with estimated number of child deaths (now estimated to have been at least a quarter of a million children) due to UN sanctions against Iraq in 1996, replied coldly: "The price is worth it."

Madeline Albright also was instrumental in the US refusal to provide any aid whatsoever to Rwanda during the genocide we easily could have stopped, and probably prevented.

So, considering the fact that the Clinton foreign policy was so murderous, just what do you suppose we should expect from Bush/Cheney? Nothing better, that is for sure. They've already killed thousands of Iraqi children since the invasion.

But hey--the US military doesn't count civilian casualties. And why should they? Most Americans could care less how many Iraqi children have died as a result of our wars on Iraq, then and now.