The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69194   Message #1171423
Posted By: Bobert
26-Apr-04 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
I find it real curious that Kerry is getting heat from some partisan Viet nam vets and that stations like NPR are giving these guys so much air time. I was listening to one the other day, who didn't even know Kerry, go on and on. If that guy had had to pay fir that amount of air time, it would have cost tens of thousands of dollars, yet NPR just let him rant.. and rant... and rant... And it was all just partisanship...

Yet, the 8 members of Kerry's crew will occasionally make mention on page A23 of your local paper as supporting him but does NPR get one of them on to talk about how Kerry served in Nam? Heck no. And C-SPAN is worse. I try to listen to a little of it on the radio but every danged day of the week it's hours and hours of nuthing but either Bush or one of his folks going on and on...

Like I've said before. The media is in Bush hip pocket. The only reason they occasionally will ask a tought question is so that DougieR will be able to tell me I'm wrong... But we all see what is going on except the Repubs won't admit it. Why would they?
