The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63517   Message #1171552
Posted By: Carly
26-Apr-04 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: donating organs after death
Subject: RE: BS: donating organs after death
I am Jewish, and although I am not Orthodox and do not observe the dietary laws, I have had some religious education. It is my understanding that in Jewish law, saving or preserving life takes precedence. Thus, on fast days, those who are ill are not only permitted, but required, to eat or drink as necessary. If there is famine and the only thing to eat is a pig, you feed your children pork in order to preserve their lives. As far as I am concerned, organ donation falls under this category. I admit that I am prejudiced; my dear friend Rita is still with us because of a generous gift of a heart, and my brother-in-law is alive today and able to hold his first grandson in his arms because of a liver transplant done at a time he thought he would not live to see his son, the baby's father, graduate from high school. Please, consider being a donor.