The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69210   Message #1171711
Posted By: Jim McCallan
26-Apr-04 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Life
Subject: RE: BS: My Life
I find it very odd that a person's attention can be so easily diverted, frankly.
Not just by the publication of this book, but in general. It seems that attention-span is in short supply in this day and age.

I found it an interesting concept, way back when everybody accused Clinton of 'wagging the dog' and attempting to divert attention away from the Lewinski affair, that someone should try this as some sort of a political 'out', by which to get people to forget earlier issues.

If people continually need to be reminded of the way the land has lain over a certain period of time, who cannot differentiate between the strands of issues at stake, and who can be distracted by various sub-plots, well the outcome of any election is always going to depend on how self-righteous everybody feels.

I would recommend every voter in the US to stop 'switching channels' between now and November, and concentrate on what's going on within the wider scheme of things. Try not to watch too many old war movies, and don't for one moment think that there is anything 'glorious' about what GWB has led us all into. Because there is not. It may seem like some sort of gruesomme soap-opera to those who have no members of their family, or close friends in 'theatre', but I can assure you it is not that, either.

If this book manages to 'suck the air' out of the Kerry campaign, it will reflect more on the fickle nature of the voters, and their preference for a good story or a scandal, than it will on their political objectivity.
