The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68791   Message #1171714
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
26-Apr-04 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Band of Brothers
Subject: RE: BS: Band of Brothers
Last Sunday whilst I was in Wellington NZ I attended an ANZAC Day Memorial and a ceremony called 'Beating The Retreat'.

ANZAC commemorates those Australians and Kiwi's who gave there lives in many wars. The original memorial was to mark the memory of the war dead from Gallipoli.

Having lived abroad in Asia for many years I have not been able to attend the Armistice Day memorials in the UK. I was glad and grateful to be able to attend the ANZAC Day ceremony.

As the Last Post sounded it did what it always does to me, my throat thickens and I want to weep for friends who I served with in the Navy and lost their lives in the Falklands.

There were many people all around me who had served in campaigns in many different wars and I could see the sadness written across their faces. They too were remembering friends and comrades whose lives were taken and I felt grateful for their presence around me.

In my case there was no world war when I joined the armed services, I doubt many of us were war mongers. We joined as it seemed that the training we would receive would give us a chance when we left of getting good jobs. None of us ever thought any of us would die.

I have different views now on armed conflict, but I will always remember those who lost their lives and I will always remember the camerady off those whom I served with.