The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69187   Message #1171793
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
26-Apr-04 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: What happened to common sense?
Subject: RE: BS: What happened to common sense?
Anyway= what happened to looking out for your neighbours?
[i don;t know the full details of the old couple that froze to death, not even sure wheere it was, i heard it on the radio],
I guess these people had neighbours?
anyway, this is not the first case like this, we often here about old folks dying, and their bodies only been found after a neighbour complains about the smell next door,
people don't seem to give a shit about each other anymore,
we often hear of kids been beat up and killed, neighbours must of heard screaming etc, but they just turn the tv up and ignore it.

I grew up in a village near Hull {Cottingham], and everybody looked out for each other ie my grandad was a gardener and grew veg and stuff [we had a really big garden,land etc], and he would give veg to people in the village, and there was a joiner dowm the street, any problems ie gate busted, he would fix it as a favour, just to help people.

i think nowadays people think about thereselves too much, probably too busy watching TV, telly is rubbish, people sit on their arse all day watching telly, they got no idea whats going on,
100 years ago 1 house in 10 had a piano in the house, now it is less than 1 in a hundred.

Is modern life rubbish?