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Thread #69194   Message #1171824
Posted By: GUEST,Arne Langsetmo
26-Apr-04 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Strick: I turned the magic 18 in '72. Got a high draft number, but they'd pretty much stopped most of the draft by then, so you'd have had to have a really low number to even start to worry. Even so, on principle, I would have gone for a CO had I been able (they wouldn't even let you do this until your number came up; you remained 1-S until there was a need for further classification). Your point?

As for you not volunteering, you seem to have been easily dissuaded. Makes one wonder about your 'enthusiasm'.

Dubya's problme is that the paperwork he does have doesn't match with his 'story', or that of the few people who have come forth to vouch for him.

Yes, there were many people against the war in 1973 (and in 1968 as well; remember Chicago?). Dubya wasn't one of them. Like Cheney, who had "other priorities", and Rush Limbaugh, who had a cyst on his butt, and so many other of the current Republican leadership, Dubya wasn't out there trying to stop the war; they were all just trying to keep their own butts out of harm's way. Now they're all chickenhawks, more than willing to get 711 (and counting) young soldiers killed in Iraq in one of the biggest mistakes ever made by an American president just to keep Dubya from looking like the "miserable failure" that he is.

Feel free to compare Kerry to Clinton if you want, but Clinton's not runnign for president. But IMOO, even Clinton has it over Dubya; Clinton opposed the war, thought it wrong, and protested to try and stop it. Dubya was just watching out for Numero Uno, a trait that has persisted with him to the present day.

                            -- Arne