The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5096   Message #1172
Posted By: Bo Vandenberg
06-Jan-97 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Gaudete (from Steeleye Span)
Subject: ADD: Gaudete
Gaudete & Translation

The first written form is from Piae Cantiones, 1582

  (chrs)		Gaudete, gaudete, Christus est natus,
Ex Maria virginæ, Gaudete.

Rejoice, rejoice, Christ is born
From the Virgin Mary, Rejoice


Tempus adest gratiæ, Hoc quod optabamus,
Carmina lætitiæ, Devote redamus

The time of favour is here, which we have deserved
let us answer (with) a sacred song of delight

Deus homo factus est, naturam erante
Mundus renovatus est, a Christo regnante
God has been made man in substance
The world is renewed, by Christ in His dominion


Ezechelis porta, Clausa per transitor
Unde lux est orta, salus invenitor
The gate of Ezekial has been closed through sin
From which the light of dawn has risen, the finder of our salvation


Ergo nostra contio, salus jam in lustro,
Benedicat domino, salus regi nostro

Therefore our company has (found) salvation in the light
And praises the Lord our King and Redeemer