The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68856   Message #1172030
Posted By: George Papavgeris
27-Apr-04 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: Dan Mackinnon in England
Subject: RE: Dan Mackinnon in England
Just dropped Dan off at the airport, where he's seeing Nancy (his SO, a sweetie) off for her return to Canada. Expected back home by noon to change strings and rest (we only slept 3 hrs last night, having to get up early for Nancy's departure). He promised to do a few Stan Rogers songs, as well as his own (my favourites of his are the "Underrun" song and the one about his son). I'll be happy to listen to him read the telephone directory, with such a voice as his.

Nancy really LOVED Herga last night, with all the glorious Herga singing and the excellent sets by TE&E. She is sorely disappointed she couldn't be at Snorbans tonight, especially now that she knows the kind of reception Dan will get there. But work called...

See you tonight. I'll be the one with a permanent grin on my face.