The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69194   Message #1172571
Posted By: Chief Chaos
27-Apr-04 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Defend illegal actions? Hell no!

I'm posting here aren't I?

No your rights won for you by the continental army a.k.a.: the military. A bunch of feather merchants sitting around in Philadelphia didn't just wave a magic wand and suddenly we were all Americans and free to do whatever we damn well pleased.

It's called history, look into it once and awhile with open eyes.
I've no love for war.
But there is a difference between what happened in Afghanistan, which I see as a justifiable response to the attacks on 9/11 and what happened in Iraq (which I have posted against and said "I told you so" many times.

I feel so sorry for you guest that you can't see the many thousands of soldiers who died upholding and defending the constitution of the United States. The very document that allows you to post anything vitupritive that you'd like. Whether you like it or not, the military is there and has been there for all citizens of the United States keeping us free. Always used correctly? No. but then that's just one man's opinion.