The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69112   Message #1172727
Posted By: Jim Dixon
27-Apr-04 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Kerry Take Communion?
At least the Catholic Church has an official way of declaring a marriage void. No other Christian church that I know of does that. Many Protestant churches allow a divorced person to remarry, but you still have to go to the state, not the church, to get your divorce.

I can't imagine that a person who has sincerely made a vow before God to be faithful "as long as we both shall live" can subsequently get divorced without at some stage experiencing deep disappointment and grief, and maybe even a "crisis of faith." (Often the grief comes long before the official divorce, but it's there.)

How ironic that the church has ways of helping you through the other major life crises—birth, death, and marriage—but when you get divorced, nothing happens.

Jewish law does provide for divorce, however. Click here.