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Thread #69194   Message #1172900
Posted By: Ebbie
27-Apr-04 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
I've been house-sitting the last few days and there is cable TV so I've been sampling Fox Thought from time to time. Today there was a
'Special Report' by Brit Hume. Two of the journalists/advisors were Mort Kondracke and Charles Krauthammer.

Part of the discussion was on Kerry's war medals: Did he or didn't he throw them away? "You just can't believe him."

Secondly, Kerry "is playing the victim here. He is saying "Poor me- they are attacking me so I will attack them back." And no one in this administration has attacked John Kerry while he has attacked President Bush unrelentingly since February." Charles Krauthammer

Kondracke: "Unless you include Karen Hughes, no one has impugned Kerry's actions pre or post Vietnam War. And she isn't part of the Bush Administration."