The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69194   Message #1173445
Posted By: Strick
28-Apr-04 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry's War Medal Controversy
Now, Rob, all I'm saying is this is only an issue when the Democrats put up a war hero. Dubya's never claimed any hero status, as you well know. When their guy lied and pulled strings to keep from going to Viet Nam and then fluffed his anti-war record to boot, it's a completely different story and no one dared compare his record with heros you acknowledge.

(P.S. Rumsfeld graduated from Princeton just after the Korean war and served as a aviator and flight instructor in the Navy. He's too old for Viet Nam and too young for Korea or WWII.)

Haven't seen you here in a while. Suffering withdrawals with TTT down?