The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68859   Message #1173533
Posted By: Bat Goddess
28-Apr-04 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon Hospitalized
Subject: RE: Curmudgeon Hospitalized
Well, when I left Tom this afternoon he was waiting for the gut doc to come in cuz he's still got some bleeding somewhere in the plumbing and they want to find it, of course, and fix it. He'll be getting the defibrillator maybe Friday. He was getting some more blood when I got there, and one of the doomaflages (that's a technical term -- geez, I've lost half my vocabulary in the past two weeks!) exploded or came loose and dripped blood on his johnnie. It looked like the darts club was using him for practice.

I was able to get all my appointments and errands done by one o'clock -- I figure 8 hours of work starting when I woke up at 5, so I announced to Tom when I got there that I was now on O/T. Glad I was finally able to get there earlier in the day. I went with him to his daily class in various aspects of recovery and getting healthy and got to see again a woman I shared the ICU waiting room with during Tom's surgery; her husband had surgery the same day.

Must have been in a hurry this morning -- I misspelled my own name!
