The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69284   Message #1173698
Posted By: Bobert
28-Apr-04 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
Subject: RE: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
Well danged, this thing is a war, ain't it? So if we gotta do what we gotta do... Kill innocent women & children? Torture a few towel headed camel jockeys? Then do it! I'm with DougR on this one. Hey, let's just coral 'em all into a big area and nuke 'um, right? Hey, they don't understand no Christianity so what good is they? Nuke 'um... Hey, they'd nuke you, wouldn't they???... Might of fact, since them highbrow Europeans ain't gonna give us no support, nuke 'um, too!!! Heck, seein as them commie Californians ain't into supporting what we're trying to do for freedom and democracy, nuke them commies, too. Right, Doug? Nuke 'um'....

The "new and improved" Bobert...

p.s. We ain't takin' no crap from Little Hawk, 'er Amos on this thing 'er we're gonna nuke Canada and California together... Got it???Good... We're gonna have a quiz on it later....