The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69176   Message #1173770
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
29-Apr-04 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: US poised to attack Najaf & Falluja
Subject: RE: BS: US poised to attack Najaf & Falluja
Take it easy on J.P. eh? I say we all chip in and buy him a dictionary.

Main Entry: traiĀ·tor
Pronunciation: 'trA-t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English traitre, from Old French, from Latin traditor, from tradere to hand over, deliver, betray, from trans-, tra- trans- + dare to give -- more at DATE
1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty

Obviously no one on the Mudcat had the government's trust in the first place (except maybe Strick **grin**) and so they haven't betrayed it.
NO one has a duty to kiss GWB's Arse, for people like Justa Picker it may be a priviledge, **grin** but it is nobody's duty.

2 : one who commits treason

Obviously treason is committed against one's country. It is only a political crime in totalitarian regimes. People from Canada and the US have fought and died for the right to dissent. It would be a disservice to their memories to agree with everything the government says.