The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69104   Message #1173802
Posted By: katlaughing
29-Apr-04 - 02:26 AM
Thread Name: Faith in People & their goodness
Subject: RE: Faith in People & their goodness
Me, too, freda. I talk to people everyday, mostly on the phone, and there are always at least one or two who restore my faith in humankind, as individuals. These days it's a bit tough to have a lot of faith in humankind as a whole. But then, I don't think we're the centre of the Universe, either, so if we do annihilate ourselves the planet will carry on. I guess believing this helps me to continue to see the good in most people with whom I come in contact and I try to pass that good on. I know I've posted this somewhere before, but it's been awhile. I don't always adhere to it, but it is something to keep in mind, imo:

There is so much bad in the best of us
And, so much good in the worst of us
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us!

I am sorry I do not have the author's name to hand.

I have a new vice...I do not like television much and I abhor realtiy shows, but I've become a big fan of Starting Over. There was a highly emotional episode this week in which a young woman due to give birth anyday had decided to go back to her boyfriend, who'd kicked her out on the street, leaving behind the other women in the Starting Over house and all of the opportunities and support they and the House offered her and her baby. She was there to decide if she was mature enough to raise the child or should give it up for adoption. As she was preparing to leave, each of the women talked to her, cajoled, yelled, begged, and cried for her to stay and let them help her. They pointed out how awful the boyfriend had been and she isn't even sure it's his baby.

Anyway, the goodness in these women, who'd only known her for a week, was life-empowering, inspiring, and made me very proud to be a woman. In particular one of them, Rain, who is a mom seeking to get off of welfare and provide for her two daughters without assistance (she is doing it, too,) came in like "big mama" yelling at the pregnant one about what she was doing to herself, etc. She really was getting to the crux of the matter, no self-love, etc. and just when the pregnant one looked as though she was going to strike out in anger and yelled that Rain probably hated her, etc. Rain wrapped her arms around this little bitty, though very pregnant girl, and told her over and over how much they all loved her and wanted her to love herself and that baby, too. It was a touching, climatic, and completely honest moment which spelled out Faith in a BIG way. THIS was the way we are supposed to live in society, with support, love, nurturing, etc. surrounding us, helping to push through our challenges and celebrating our triumph. I've often wished we had a more tribal type society. This comes close in some ways.

Thanks for the thread, freda.
