The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68675   Message #1173856
29-Apr-04 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: Jack Hudson (singer from Derbyshire)
Subject: RE: Jack Hudson
We have loved Jack's music for years. Went to see him in Sandbach 2 days ago. His songs are just so sensitive to experiences we have all had and his voice so strong. Have too many favourites to name but Driftwood and Nails and If I could only fly never fail to move and Saying Goodbye brings tears.

He doesn't perform very often now so we have to travel quite a way to see him. Most memorable was when we went to Cheltenham and he was the support for DeCameron. We have ben trying to persuade him to record some of his songs just as he sings them. Agree with you about the festivals. Would love to see him being given a chance. What a talent!