The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56381   Message #1173925
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Apr-04 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: Giac (NOT) Hospitalized - Convalescing Update 2004
Subject: RE: Giac Hospitalized - Update 2004
Since a number of Giac's friends have this thread traced, and since this one contains links to her photos, I'd be sorry to see a different thread start right now.

We had a nice long chat last night. Giac is now back out of hospital and resting up at home. Emmy is visiting friends because Giac thought she might not be able to care for her post-op-- meds make for a lot of sleeping. Emmy phones her every night and they share missing each other. She hopes to have Emmy back very soon. In the meantime Giac is keeping tabs on the very amusing spiders in the nearest window. She told me a very funny story about an attacking bee that had one spider totally buffaloed. "Just when you think it's safe to come back on your web....."

I wrote a LONG post last night incorporating some of her jokes, but it didn't "take." I'll get them posted later....

But one typically-Giac thing I can share briefly is that she says she has made a technological breakthrough. The TV is not in the bedroom. It's kind of around a corner. Giac figured out the other day that she could place a mirror to reflect the light-beam from the remote and run the TV sound from bed! She says she can see a good part of the picture, too, and has a regular little command center going for DVDs!

If you have her snail address I am sure cards would be appreciated. If not, PM me for my address and I will be happy to forward.
