The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69284   Message #1173946
Posted By: GUEST
29-Apr-04 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
Subject: RE: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
Today's NY Times article about last night's program goes into greater detail about what was on the program.

G.I.'s Are Accused of Abusing Iraqi Captives

Note that our patriotic media uses the word 'abuse' instead of the more damning and accurate word 'torture' to define the behavior. I couldn't even find mention of it in the Washington Post. CBS said at the end of the program that the Pentagon had asked that the story not be broadcast because our troops are under hostile fire circumstances, and CBS claims to have held the story for 2 weeks. Apparently, CBS has no problem covering up US atrocities in Iraq, if it might appear unpatriotic to do so. But, CBS explained, they decided to air the program when it came to light they were about to be scooped by other news outlets.

Makes you proud to be an American at the mercy of our patriotic media, who is apparently colluding with the Pentagon to cover up any and all wrongdoing by the Pentagon and the military and ESPECIALLY of our 'honorable' troops, who are showing Iraqis the kinder, gentler side of American compassionate conservative traditions in places like Falluja, Najaf, and Abu Ghraib.