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Thread #69284   Message #1174002
Posted By: artbrooks
29-Apr-04 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
Subject: RE: BS: American Soldiers Torturing Iraqis
"Torture" is an exaggeration, since threatening harm isn't the same as inflicting it, but the actual CBS article certainly recounts illegal abuse of POWs. The military spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, deputy director of coalition operations in Iraq, said that "I think two things. No. 1, this is a small minority of the military, and No. 2, they need to understand that is not the Army. The Army is a values-based organization. We live by our values. Some of our soldiers every day die by our values, and these acts that you see in these pictures may reflect the actions of individuals, but by God, it doesn't reflect my army."

This is the second time that members of an Army Reserve unit involved in PW control have been cited for gross failure to follow regulations. While relief of the unit commander for neglect of duty and filing criminal charges against those actually involved, which happened the first time and appears to be happening again, is a necessary first step, it appears obvious that both training and oversight are lacking.