The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32992   Message #1174057
Posted By: Jim Dixon
29-Apr-04 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Glossop
Subject: Lyr Add: THE GIRLS UP THE ROAD (from Bodleian)
From Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads, Firth c.14(49).


I'm just in the vein to sing you a strain, so pin your attention down,
To the tale I tell of a fast young swell, I shall introduce as Brown ;
He was in the Rifle Corps, but I must not say more, so you that listen to my ode,
Do the thing that's right, all on a Sunday night, when you walk up ––– Road.
      When you walk up ––– Road, when you walk up ––– Road,
      Do the thing that's right, all on a Sunday night, when you walk up ––– Road.

Now Brown was a spark, rather fond of a lark, and a married man tho' not chaste,
And little he cared how his own wife fared, if another girl took his taste ;
So himself he dress'd in his regimental best, and proud as a peacock strode,
Admiring the girls crinolines and curls as they walked up ––– Road.
      As they walked up ––– Road, &c.

He accosted a fair with dark and wavy hair, blue boots and a red leather belt,
And smiled and talked as they onward walked, endeavouring her heart to melt :
And this gay volunteer gave a wink and a leer, enquired her name and abode,
And he felt as grand, as a lord of the land, with the girls up ––– Road.
      With the girls up ––– Road, &c.

At length Mr Brown and the girl sat down, in a snug little Inn close by,
When he called for a drain of draught champaign, and a quarter of pork pie ;
Then his arm he placed around her waist, for his heart with love o'erflowed,
Oh ! says he it's all right, I'll be merry to night, with the girls up ––– Road.
      With the girls up ––– Road, &c.

Now this gay little man had scarcely began, his love tale out to pour,
When who should he see, but his own Mrs. B–––, peep in at the parlour door ;
With the bound of a bear she fastened on his hair, saying, as her anger showed,
"I'll tear away your eyes if you've come to exercise, with the girls up ––– Road."
      With the girls up ––– Road, &c.

Now to set the matter right, the women had a fight, a first rate tumble up and down,
They sent to smithereens, hats, gowns, and crinolines, and then went to work on Brown ;
He was jolly well thrashed, and his head got smashed, and the crowd their abuse bestowed,
And his fine uniform went to blazes in the storm, with the girls up ––– Road.
      With the girls up ––– Road, &c.

Then a lot of the Police, as he had broken the peace, took Brown to the police cells,
Where he had to ruminate on his unlucky fate, like many more fast young swells ;
And his wife ran away on the very next day, yet the cause of this little episode,
Is a volunteer still, but he never goes to drill with the girls up ––– Road.
      With the girls up ––– Road, &c.