The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69320   Message #1174597
Posted By: Bobert
29-Apr-04 - 11:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who woulda Thought?
Subject: RE: BS: Who woulda Thought?
Well, when I was 17 Iwas playing Babe Ruth baseball and hittin' over .500 and this was not long after the haydays of the Yankees so I figured that I would be a professional baseball player playing with the Washington Senators... Problem was, I was gettin' kicked out of school fir' skippin' and ended up in military school just to get a high school diploma...

Then the Lord got me into college in Richmond, Va. and it weren't oo much of jump from 3rd base to aiti-war demonsttations....

In 1996, my wife, Judy, died from cancer and I felt so empty. Then the Lord hooked me up with the P-Vine and she is to mw what beautiful and classy Ruthie is to Jerry... And everyday, I'm like bewildered in how God continues to bless us in taking adversity and turning it into something beautiful.
