The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69320   Message #1174984
Posted By: Scabby Douglas
30-Apr-04 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who woulda Thought?
Subject: RE: BS: Who woulda Thought?
Ah, this rings a bell.

Like a few other people here, I had no clear vision of what my future would be, or where I would be. But it's turned out much better than I thought it would. That's not saying that anyone else would envy me my life, or approve of my choices, after all they're mine. I wouldn't live your life for all the tea in China (or anywhere else that has a large quantity of tea).

What I do know is that just as you turn your back on it, just when you think you have it all figured out, Fate or Life or Kismet will sneak up behind you with the baseball bat, and crack you a good one in the back of the skull. in the last 6 months I have seen this happen to two families I know - families who were "just like us" - ordinary people, trying to make end meet and do their best. Without going into details, both of these families who were "just like us" have suffered grief, loss and profound pain in a way that could not have been anticipated. And if it can happen to them, it can happen to us.

However, you can't live your life looking over your shoulder. That way, you either can't move forward, or you trip over things.

I have two-thirds of a song written, and it's driving me crazy, but it seems sort of appropriate.

Did they say, when you were younger, that you'd understand one day?
That you'd come to see the reasons why things have to be this way?
And as the years rolled over, were the hidden secrets shown?
Or were you left with just the ashes of the little you had known?
Even though you're not much wiser than you were away back then,
Would you want to be that certain of anything again?
But the road is still before you, and your feet are in your shoes
If the prize is not worth winning, then you've even less to lose.

