The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69324   Message #1175074
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Apr-04 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another reincarnation story.
Subject: RE: BS: Another reincarnation story.
Yeah, that sounds about the way I would see it too, Amos. It seems highly unlikely that consciousness would possess weight, and it is futile for debunkers to demand physical proof for that which is not physical in the first place...yet this is what they seem to want.

Bizarre, when you think about it.

Life cannot be described solely in terms of physicality.

I think the great mystery that has eluded the reductionists is this: physical reality (as we perceive it) is an aftereffect of non-physical intelligently directed energy. And when you look at the physical very closely (at the subatomic level) you eventually find....there is nothing solid there at all, just whirling vortices of organized energy.

The ghost built the body, not the other way around. And that is why the body dies, and passes away. It's a temporary, artificial construct. It's a mask, an appearance, an illusion. But we perceive it as solid and real as long as we are in it...and best of all, it allows us these glorious adventures in mortality and limitation. You can't have a good game unless you set rules and limitations. Your body is the piece, and life is the giant chessboard. When the game is over, you put the board away until the next game. You are the consciousness which invented the game, made the rules, built the board and the pieces, and continues to live long after the game is done.

- LH