The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68769   Message #1175170
Posted By: Chief Chaos
30-Apr-04 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented: Kean
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented: Kean
Strick, I would have thought WTC in New York because it was tried before and the terrorists are out to cause as much death and destruction as well as hitting our "monuments" to ourselves and a center of agreat deal of world wide monitary action.

Because they tried using a truck bomb before I would have thought that they would most likely try something else (while also making sure the precautions in place to prevent that from happening again were still functioning.

Would I have thought they'd crash a jet liner into the building?
The G-8 conference and the eiffel tower plot both pointed in that direction and it had been envisioned by Tom Clancy some years ago as well in one of his books. Standing on Bolling AFB across the Potomac River from the Ronald Reagan International Airport I remarked to my friend (some twenty years ago after the air florida disaster) that it could happen again and hit anything in DC and could be done intentionally without anybody being able to prevent it (of course I don't have anyone to verify that).

I think that if they had connected the dots that someone would have been bright enough to think "hey, they're gonna crash one into somethin'.

Actually on the morning of Sept. 11th when our watchstander told us about the incident my immediate thought was that it was a terorist attack because after the crash of the bomber into the Empire State Building, it has been illegal to fly planes over New York City.

Yeah, the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA have all been playing their cards very close to their chests for quite along time. I didn't mean to say that they hadn't been, but rather that with the way that the administration seems to have slammed the door on the "public's right to know" that it didn't engender any reason to stop playing that way. Of course if they didn't protect their own turf someone might have further cut their budgets. After all why do we need so many intelligence agencies? The military is very much like this as well (with the Air Force leading the way).

No I don't know what went on that day at the morning brief, just applying my own experiences.

Not "blaming" Bush. Just applying an old military maxim that says if it happens on your watch, you're responsible. It also does seem that the incoming administration threw out anything from the old administration.

Bin Laden is to blame for 9/11 of course. But there is a long line of American involvement that presages 9/11. And like many of our other dealings with "revolutionaries" and questionable persons it came back to bite us hard.

Oh when will we ever learn?