The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69330   Message #1175895
Posted By: The Stage Manager
01-May-04 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Ballet Dancing Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Ballet Dancing Rubbish?
I take your point Greg, but Eric raises a fundamental issue, ticket prices are way too high. When I was with Rambert we particularly enjoyed the occasions when we got to perform for what Eric calls to call 'Rif-Raf', usually abroad. "Rif Raf" often have an instinctive understanding for non verbal art forms, and the appreciation is more genuine.

On joining Rambert I was particularly struck by the range and depth of expression that dance was capable of. It was not something that had occurred to me previously. Certainly most of the performers within the company would prefer to perform for everyone who wants to see them regardless of monthly income. I think Eric would also be surprised at the social origins of some of the performers and staff. The Billy Elliot phenomenon has been going on for some time. It is a real problem in the UK that Opera and Dance/Ballet has become the ghettoised as entertainment of "Toffs". This is far less the case abroad.

My own view is that if The Arts Council had any balls they'd be pitching a big tent in the middle of Eric's council estate, and let the people there make up their own minds and meet some of the people involved in 'the arts' . These days the arts seem to be run by accountants, and we know the sort of houses that accountants live in.