The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13916   Message #117608
Posted By: Penny S.
25-Sep-99 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: Help me undestand Morris Dancing
Subject: RE: Help me undestand Morris Dancing
I wanted to join in once, but the local examples could be seen with badges saying "Knockers to Women's Morris", and now my knees have packed up. The lot I saw having most fun were punks, with safety-pins etc, and instead of banging sticks, they mimed (?) head butting and knee kicking.

However, I'm really posting to say that I have also seen local Sikhs doing Indian (from India) dances with rows of male dancers, bells on the legs, and pretty silk hankies which had figures like the moves of Morris, tough the footwork was different. Also, a film about North America included some dancing from the area first invaded by the Spanish with some people who may have been native American or mixed race doing something also much like Morris (I believe the arguement was that it was learned from the Spanish, which ties up with the Moorish connection.)
