The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69377   Message #1176331
Posted By: black walnut
02-May-04 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Compost Question
Subject: RE: BS: Compost Question
Whoo! I have one rabbit and 3 cats, not cows and horses. I live in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the known universe. I'm not about to go out and purchase manure for my composter when my kitchen garbage fills up the bin quite nicely.

Robomatic, I guess what I mean by half-cooked is when there are still banana peel shapes and egg shells floating around. And UFOs.

Since I'm only growing flowers and trees in my little lot, dianavan, I'll make sure it's on the well-done side. Not sure I have room for 2 piles of compost though, but it sounds like a very handy idea in theory.

I have an indoor vermiculture bin also. It's easy to separate one half at a time - the worms just travel around where I plant the right conditions for them. Quite fun to think of them eating that much coffee - they can't possibly ever sleep.
