The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69330   Message #1176351
Posted By: Shimbo Darktree
02-May-04 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Ballet Dancing Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Ballet Dancing Rubbish?
Good God, man, I just got off the opera thread! JOhn, why don't you take up songwriting? If you're this bored, it would be a great way to fill in time, and you could toss them into this melting pot, and we can all pass judgement from high as to whether they are rubbish!

Oh yes, ballet ... seen it, don't like it. COnsists largely of dancers' shoes scuffing and spoiling some quite reasonable music.

But why do you care whether we all like ballet or not, and whether we think it is rubbish or not? Can't you make up your own mind?

How did I get sucked into this? I'm off to bed, to dream of writing songs that everyone absolutely adores as soon as they hear them. Now, there is a subject for a thread ... how can I write tunes to my songs so that they don't sound like "just another boring tune"?

In hopes,
