The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69305   Message #1176748
Posted By: GUEST, Mikefule
03-May-04 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: May Day
Subject: RE: May Day
In went out with another Dolphin Morris Man to join New St. George Morris outside Belvoir Castle. We had no crowd at all, except the man from the cafe who came looking for us because he'd been expecting us to dance inside the castle grounds.

Years ago, I danced in the sunrise as a guest of Foresters. Again, no crowd at all.

It's all jolly good fun, but a totally bogus tradition... or should I say, a NEW tradition? Can't expect the public to turn up in droves at stupid o'clock on a cold May morning to watch half an hour of Morris dancing. I have noticed that when Dolphin's first tour of the year is on May 1st (we dance out on Thursdays) we get a slightly more interested reaction from the public. One bloke even broke his stride as he walked past.