The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66534   Message #1176833
Posted By: freda underhill
03-May-04 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vladimir the Inhaler; Vampire Villain
Subject: RE: BS: Vladimir the Inhaler; Vampire Villain
Leadfingers was leaning close to Kendall, they were comparing notes on banjo techniques, how to perform a tremolo on any string while holding a chord.

"A tremolo can go back and forth across one string, two strings, three strings, or all four strings, depending on the desired sound", said Kendall.

Leadfinger noted that a common method is to play the chord (across all the strings) on the beat while continuously tremoloing on the single string melody note. "Try the melody note on the first string or second string. When you play chord melody and tremolo near the nut and peghead, the chord is played to whatever string the melody occurs on. If the tremolo is on an inside string, then the higher strings are not played. This style of playing has many possibilities including making the banjo sound like two or three banjos playing at the same time."

They were both muttering and jangling together, while across the room, a strong, booming voice sang..

I dreamed a dream the other night
Lowlands, lowlands, away my John
I saw my love dressed all in white
My lowlands, away.

She came to me at my bedside
Dressed all in white like some fair bride.

And nestled in her bosom there
A red, red rose my love did wear.

She made no sign, no word she said
And then I knew my love was dead.

She waved her hand, she said goodbye
I wiped the tear from out my eye...