The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69324   Message #1177079
Posted By: Wolfgang
03-May-04 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another reincarnation story.
Subject: RE: BS: Another reincarnation story.
No one is telling anybody what a perception ought to be, but perception is a construction from the input and preconceptions and and and...

I wonder why some post here as if it was news to them that perception can and has been fooled. Never heard of phantom limbs, for instance? Tell these people 'if it feels real it is real' and wait for their response.

personal integrity, by which I mean knowing you have seen what you saw

Hm, I know what I saw in the sense that I usually remember what my percept was but I don't know for sure in all conditions that what I saw was what could have be seen under better conditions. Don't tell me you have never been fooled even for a long time by your senses. That has nothing at all to do with integrity or lack of.

OBEs can be induced by electrical stimulation of a subsystem of the brain. Yes, and there are people who have had a subjectively impressing OBE and have not come to Two bears' conclusion.

Kendall's wise words apply again. The same perception can lead to different ideas about a possible explanation. But I see a lot of close-mindedness here.
